OKR Practitioner- sertifiseringskurs September 2024

Online , Norway

Ønsker du å bli en ekspert på OKR-rammeverket og ta karrieren din til neste nivå? Se ikke lenger enn vårt Certified OKR Practitioner-opplæringsprogram! Dette kurset er designet for alle i en organisasjon som vil være involvert i implementering av OKR-er, fra teammedlemmer til ledere. Kurset vil gi deg kunnskapen og ferdighetene du trenger for å […]


Meetup: Fra ego til ekte: Utforsk prinsippene for tjenende lederskap

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

Vellykkede ledere er de med sterk karakter og evne til å lede med mot, ydmykhet og medfølelse. Heldigvis er karakter ikke noe vi bare er «født med». Karakter er noe som kan utvikles over tid. Denne kvelden vil du få muligheten til å utforske forskjellige dimensjoner av ledelse som er assosiert med sterk karakter. Du […]


OKR Executive- sertifiseringskurs September 2024

Online , Norway

Dette kurset er den ultimate løsningen for ledere på C-nivå som ønsker å ta organisasjonens effektivitet til neste nivå. Hvis du føler at teamet ditt mangler tverrfaglig orientering, åpenhet og ansvarlighet, eller bare trenger en strukturert tilnærming til målsetting og sporing, så er denne opplæringen akkurat det du trenger. Du vil lære om fordelene med […]


Profit Stream™: Introduction to Software Pricing

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

sing a dynamic case study format inspired by the world’s leading business schools, this one-day course course covers the following topics through a combination of interactive sessions, collaborative exercises, and conversations with your other participants


Profit Streams™: Software Pricing Fundamentals

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

Using a dynamic case study format inspired by the world’s leading business schools, this two-day course course covers the following topics through a combination of interactive sessions, collaborative exercises, and conversations with your other participants


Profit Stream™ Design

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

The workshop combines interactive sessions, collaborative exercises, and conversations with your other participants to enable you to:

Understand and use the Profit StreamTM Canvas to design a sustainably profitable software-enabled solution.
Evaluate pricing choices so that you can apply what you learned to your own solutions.
Understand how to construct a Customer ROI Model, including the Total Cost of Ownership.
Identify the most significant opportunities to improve pricing and licensing.


Product Owner/Product Manager – POPM

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

Ready to unlock your full potential as a SAFe 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager? This 2-day SAFe 6.0 Product Owner/Product Manager course is your ticket to becoming a Lean enterprise pro. You’ll learn how to rock your role in an Agile Release Train (ART), delivering value with each Program Increment. We’ll dive deep into breaking down […]


Agile Kata Coach – double certification course-November 2024

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

An Agile Kata Coach is an individual seeking to master the integration of Agile coaching skills with the continuous improvement practices of the Agile Kata. Our dynamic course creates a unique experience for everyone interested in the application of this universal pattern for change. Participants will learn to apply the Agile Kata through deliberate practice […]


Profit Stream™: Introduction to Software Pricing

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

sing a dynamic case study format inspired by the world’s leading business schools, this one-day course course covers the following topics through a combination of interactive sessions, collaborative exercises, and conversations with your other participants


Profit Streams™: Software Pricing Fundamentals

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

Using a dynamic case study format inspired by the world’s leading business schools, this two-day course course covers the following topics through a combination of interactive sessions, collaborative exercises, and conversations with your other participants


Profit Stream™ Design

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

The workshop combines interactive sessions, collaborative exercises, and conversations with your other participants to enable you to:

Understand and use the Profit StreamTM Canvas to design a sustainably profitable software-enabled solution.
Evaluate pricing choices so that you can apply what you learned to your own solutions.
Understand how to construct a Customer ROI Model, including the Total Cost of Ownership.
Identify the most significant opportunities to improve pricing and licensing.


Profit Stream™: Introduction to Software Pricing

Yalla yalla kaffe Bjørndalsstølen 2, Bjørndalstræ, Norway

sing a dynamic case study format inspired by the world’s leading business schools, this one-day course course covers the following topics through a combination of interactive sessions, collaborative exercises, and conversations with your other participants
