Effective meetings do not happen by accident, they are well planned and have good focus. There has to be a clear goal, agenda, time frame and focus. The following is a guide based on experiences of working in distributed teams.
Goal for the standup: Share status of ongoing activities providing insight on the trends from the team
- What did I do since last time (yesterday or last time we met)?
- What am I working on now?
- What is holding me back(impediments and need for help)?
Meeting leader: Scrum master (if not present, then ONE person from the team)
Must do:
- Ensure your tech equipment functions before the meeting starts (mic and speaker at least, we prefer video if possible. These days we should avoid video because of band width)
- login 1-2 minutes before the meeting starts
- Meeting must be short (do not exceed the 15 minutes)
- Address topics of common interest
- Talk when it is your turn, otherwise just listen
- Focus: Do not dive in deep details discussing issues. This can be done after the meeting with those who are involved
- All attendees must contribute to the meeting