Invest in your skills development!

Investing in training isn’t just spending money; it’s cultivating future potential. Each new skill sharpens your tools, expanding what you can achieve. A broadened perspective, gained through structured learning, allows you to see beyond the immediate, to anticipate and adapt. It’s an investment in your own adaptability, resilience, and long-term value, paying dividends in both personal and professional growth.

These subscription choices are no brainers as you get access to all courses we already have published and the courses we publish later for a very low price. Why do we do that? Well; We believe that sharing is caring wink

Weekly Subscription Plan



Suitable for those looking for short weekly classes

  • Access to all courses
  • Q/A via email
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Fee per course 150 EUR
Monthly Subscription Plan



Perfect for beginners

  • All features in Weekly Plan
  • 1 hour free Online Coaching- worth 300 EUR
  • Fee per course 75 EUR