Profit Streams

Your path to sustainable solution profitability management


→  Without profit, you cannot maintain or grow your business.
→ Without profit, you cannot serve your customers or provide benefits to your employees.
→ Without profit, investors have no reason to invest.
→ Without profit, your business will fail.

Profit Streams™ is a systems-thinking approach to designing sustainably profitable pricing, packaging, and licensing choices of software-enabled solutions over the course of their entire solution lifecycle. Use Profit Streams™ to accelerate your growth, get expert advice, and gain a deeper understanding of Pricing, Profit Engines, and Customer ROI.

Should I take a course or a workshop?

Because courses typically include participants from multiple companies, they use a case study format for teaching. Workshops are designed for several people from one company so that we can focus on your specific situation. Think of a workshop as a concentrated ‘mini consulting’ engagement. 

Which workshop is right for me?

Profit Streams workshops are designed to provide a fast-paced, intense review of your solutions.

  • The one-day Profitable Pricing Workshop is designed to provide expert feedback on your economic model. 
  • The two-day Growth Pricing Workshop covers your economic model, including more detailed financial modeling.

Profit Stream™ Design (3 days)

Profit StreamTM Design is a three-day collaborative learning and working session for business leaders that provides the knowledge needed to use the Profit StreamTM Canvas to deliver sustainability profitable software-enabled solutions.

Expand your ability to design sustainably profitable solutions: Become a Certified Profit StreamsTM  Designer! Read more here…

Software Pricing Fundamentals (2 days)

Software Pricing Fundamentals is a two-day collaborative learning experience that focuses on the the first two rows of the Profit Streams™ canvas: Solution and Economic Sustainability, including Customer Benefit Analysis, pricing, packaging, and ROI modeling. Read more here…

Introduction to Software Pricing (1 day)

In this interactive one-day workshop, you will gain a basic understanding of software pricing strategies. Designed for professionals looking to optimize the profitability of software solutions, this training covers essential pricing models, customer returns and practical insights for sustainable pricing structures. Under the guidance of Profit Streams™ experts, you’ll explore real-world examples to improve your decision-making.

At the end of the training, you will have the knowledge to implement pricing strategies that drive growth and profits. Ideal for beginners in software pricing! Read more here…

Profit Streams™: Growth Pricing Workshop (4 days a´4 hours)

The workshop combines interactive sessions, collaborative exercises and conversations with your team members to enable you to:

  • Complete a Customer Benefit Analysis to model the tangible and intangible benefits of your solution
  • Create a snapshot of your existing pricing options such as pricing strategy, structure, specifications and policies so you can identify the specific changes you are making to improve your pricing model.
  • Understand how to construct a Customer ROI Model, including the Total Cost of Ownership.
  • Identify key opportunities to improve pricing and licensing.
  • Create a plan to implement the improvements. Read more here…

Profit Streams™: Profitable Pricing Workshop (Suiteable for startups)

Get structured, expert advice, on your core pricing model. More details will follow…..

Agile Product Management (3 dager)

Kurset smelter sammen kraften til Design Thinking med velprøvde SAFe-praksiser for å lage innovative løsninger som tilfredsstiller både strategien og visjonen i ditt selskap. Lær riktig tankesett, ferdigheter og verktøy for å lage vellykkede produkter, gjennom hele livssyklusen, ved hjelp av smidige teknikker.

Gjenkjenn hvordan kontinuerlig inspeksjon og research fremmer innovasjon og hjelper deg med å definere visjonen, strategien og veikartet for å vinne nye markeder.

Lean Portfolio Management (2 days)

In this course, participants are provided with the practical tools and techniques necessary to implement the Lean Portfolio Management functions: strategy, investments, agile portfolio management and Lean Governance.

Participants learn to capture the current and desired future state of their portfolio with the Portfolio Canvas tool, where you also identify important initiatives that can contribute to goal achievement. We further look at value streams, prioritization mechanisms and how to set up a Lean Portfolio for maximum performance.

Har du bestemt deg for et kurs eller workshop?

Du booker ved å ta kontakt med oss på epost eller melding på linkedin

Kafferelaterte kurs hos Yalla yalla kaffe

Lær deg alt om kaffe, dens oppriennelse, smaker og hvordan den brennes og brygges på en god måte. La deg rive med og opplev noe utenom det vanlige! Arrangementet kan være teambuilding, bursdag, bli kjent eller lignende.

Tilbake til kurskategorier

Det handler om Folk og Flyt. Kategoriseringen slik vi har satt den sammen er basert på erfaringer høstet gjennom et langt liv kombinert med velprøvde prinsipper, praksiser og ferdigheter for å nå forretnings smidighet, også ved bruk av Lean Agile metoder.