The Agile Pricing Paradox: How Less Can Mean More

Bridging the Gap Between Agile and Pricing Many organizations have embraced agile methodologies to streamline operations and accelerate value delivery. However, a common challenge arises: the disconnect between the value creation activities fostered by agile practices...

The silver bullet in software development is all about value

It has been 26 years since I wrote my first commercial software code. With that I mean that I have written code that somebody has paid for. What I did then is to use my knowledge and capabilities within mathematics, physics and software development to deliver a...

Building quality into your software

Building quality into a system means much more than only having a quality plan. Usually, the quality plan describes in details the degree to which our software suite possesses a desired collection of quality attributes. Your organization need to reach alignment around...

How to keep the team together when distributing a colocated team

The main difference between working in a co-located or distributed environment is how we communicate together. Experiences show that miscommunication is always a part of any failure and good communication is the basic for all successful teams. Main success factors...

How to run a good standup meeting remotely

Effective meetings do not happen by accident, they are well planned and have good focus. There has to be a clear goal, agenda, time frame and focus. The following is a guide based on experiences of working in distributed teams.  Goal for the standup: Share status of...

Unlock the intrinsic motivation

Reflections on how to unlock the intrinsic motivation of your colleagues Performance appraisals is the standard many organizations are following when they aim to check the status among their employees, adjust the skills and salaries. This solution have been around for...

Team lead: Do you count successes or add value?

A couple of days ago I had a long and deep discussion with a good friend around how to be best possible leader in a software development team. Throughout the discussions we identified many types of leaders we both had in addition to our own leadership styles. The...

Communication – The art of listening

You have been talking for a while with a colleague. Do you believe she has listened to you? Or, maybe she has just heard you? Hearing is totally different thing than listening. In previous articles where I have discussed communication, we talked about how to...

How to maximize business value in software development?

Once upon a time there were some companies trying to build the perfect software. They called it the killer app. Unfortunately, they struggled producing any value and got killed themselves. Their CEOs and boards of directors asked WHY. After a lot of analysis and...